Saturday, September 19, 2015

Kiwi and Mango being adorable

Kiwi is so camera shy... I get a bunch of good photos of Mango, but Kiwi either hides from the camera, moves too quickly or turns her back at the lens, haha! One day, Kiwi, one day...

I'm going to have a photo shoot with them together soon. I haven't really got a lot of good pictures of the two of them. One of them always moves and gets all blurry... I guess that's what happens when you're not a pro photographer, ha! It will happen though, don't worry. :)

Pixie in her pink cage

I gave the hamsters a little bit of basil last night. The dwarves weren't too convinced, but Pixie loved it! She looks so big now that I'm more used to dwarf hamsters but used to look so tiny when I had bunnies, haha.

I love the white on her feet - it looks like she's wearing gloves ❤ Too precious!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Kiwi & Mango's NEW natural cage setup

My boyfriend and I went to IKEA today to buy a few things, including a Samla bin for my campbell dwarf hamsters Kiwi and Mango. I also bought the Knuff magazine file to make a platform for the food and water dish (to avoid getting bedding in them since the girls love to burrow). As a wooden fence on top of the platform I used a bendy bridge. I'm thinking about getting some moss or whatnot to put on top to make it cozier. Maybe some carefresh? Hmm... will have to think about that.

Lastly, Mango would like to say goodbye for today.

Sneak-peek Halloween themed cage

Halloween is my favorite Holiday without a doubt. I love horror moves, candy, lights and all other Halloweeny stuff. This year I will decorate our house more than I normally do, and of course I can't leave out the hamsters. At least not Pixie, my little princess of themed cages.

I found a pumpkin candle holder at the supermarket yesterday and I couldn't resist. It will look adorable in Pixie's cage! I also made my own spooky house/witch's house. a paper ghost, a paper garland and a broom chew toy. I also found a black pot to use as a hide and a small one to use as a food dish (in case I don't find any other ones).

The light in the picture is totally off (I guess that's my fault for placing everything right underneath a window). But I hope you get the idea. :) I will probably make my own carefresh bedding and find a few other Halloweeny things to put in the cage once it's October. I haven't decided whether I want to use the candle holder as a hide or a sand bath though... It will probably be a sand bath since Pixie always burrows in her favorite hides, and that's quite impossible in this one.

On another note... I'm going to IKEA today to buy a Samla bin for the dwarves and probably also a platform (maybe even a few more things if I find them). We will see though.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kiwi and Mango's natural cage theme

Today I finally got the hamster wheel I ordred from Zooplus for Kiwi and Mango. They will be getting Pixie's old wheel soon as well, since she is about to outgrow it. I'm having a kind of natural theme for the girls, but I'm changing it all the time as I get new things. I'm buying a Samla bin to make a bin cage for them in the near future. I don't really like Duna cages...

Of course, Mango woke up when I put their new wheel and house in, so she obviously had to explore the new objects before going back to bed. She seems to approve of both. :) We will see what Kiwi thinks once she wakes up tonight. She's a bit lazier than her sister, haha.

What I feed my hamsters

There are a lot of different hamster foods on the market, but each and every one of them are very different in terms of ingredients. It's hard to get the right nutritional values for your hamster in just one package. Therefore, I mix my own hamster food by combining different commercial brands to get the right ingredients. These are the ones I'm currently using:

Left to right, top: MultiFit Hamster, Supreme Science Selective hamster, sunflower seeds
Left to right, bottom: Vilmie (rabbit and guineapig), JR Farm Dwarf hamster mix

For Pixie, my Syrian hamster, I use all of these but the dwarf hamster mix. I also like to add a few dog treats and sometimes dried banana or carrot flakes for treats. She used to get Harry Hamster, but I can't buy that brand here in Denmark and it got too annoying having to order the food every time. She still has some Harry Hamster mixed into her food mix though. 

For Kiwi and Mango, my campbell dwarves, I mix all of the foods in the picture, plus a few dog treats. The MultiFit mix contains dried mealworms, and the JR Farm mix contains proteins from chicken, beef and shrimps. Though I tend to remove most pieces of corn, carrot or peas from their food to avoid too much sugar.

Both breeds get fresh vegetables or herbs at times, plus some other kind of protein source, such as boiled egg or some meat. I'm not one of those people who give vegetables everyday, but I will try to do it more often since the hamsters like it so much. :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Natural cage theme for hamsters

This is Pixie's previous cage setup, which has a natural theme. The only thing missing is a plant, but I didn't have any at the time... :( The plan was to fill the floor where the wheel is with moss, but again, I couldn't find any at the time.

The sandbath is actually a reptile water dish that I boiled and desinfected with pet safe spray, and I made the small ladders from branches from our apple tree. The small pieces of wood are also from the apple tree. Pixie really loved to chew on those!

Pink cage theme

Here is an update about Pixie! She has grown a lot this summer! Her color has become very orange and she has almost outgrown her wheel (I have got to buy a new one). Right now she has a super cute candy princess cage setup, while the sisters have a natural theme.

Welcome Kiwi & Mango - Campbell girls

I have wanted to have dwarf hamsters for a while now, and this weekend it finally happened! I fell in love with campbell dwarf hamsters at a reptile show in Germany (yes, they also sell other kinds of animals, like rodents, insects and spiders, etc.). As soon as I put my hand down in their bin cage they all wanted to climb on it! haha

I chose two of the hamsters I found myself looking at the most; one opal and one blue fawn with platinum. They are about 6-7 weekd old and absolutely tiny and adorable! They are extremely social and love coming out of their cage to play.

I named them Kiwi and Mango. :)

This cutie is Kiwi. She is very high energy, runs around like her tails is on fire as soon as she gets the chance, but she's still very friendly and social. She loves climbing on hands and coming out to play.

This beautiful girl is Mango. She is much more calm than her sister and is super social. She loves to sit in my hand and explore her surroundings. She also loves food - she seems to always have stuffed cheeks!